The Sale of P&O to Dubai
Beyond the duplicity, the doublespeak, the incompetence and the cronyism, though, what is really troubling is the disregard for security. The rank hypocrisy of the President turning a critical element of our security to an entity like Dubai after that President won reelection on his supposed prowess at fighting terror is disturbing. It's so disturbing that an understandable reaction to this news would be to give the President the benefit of the doubt, and assume that the deal will not leave us more vulnerable, and that the administration has taken steps to ensure our security. Indeed, this is what the President is saying. But this President does not deserve such generosity. At no time during his stay in office has he demonstrated a commitment to governance, America, or any of our principles. What he has shown is self-interest and a commitment to his political allies. Here again, we see his character revealed: he puts his principle of rewarding friends and cronies ahead of the oath of office.
His actions in this matter make more sense if we assume that he thinks the office of the President is a monarch's seat. The UAE is a political ally of the President's, and they may cooperate with the United States on some things, but they are absolutely not in the same category as an ally like the United Kingdom. However, a monarch is the state, so we could assume that Bush makes no distinction between his personal allies and our Nation's allies.
We've had five years of this administration—in that time the country has backslid in almost every way, we've had an almost continuous stream of scandals, our political leadership has lost a war—in short, we should be completely desensitized to this administration's awfulness. Yet we cannot ever turn away in disgust because the only check right now on the administration's actions is the threat of public backlash. If we turn away from their actions—succuming to "outrage fatigue," as it were—we give them free reign to be even worse.
Many others have focused on the politics of this situation: the refrain seems to be that Bush is going "tone deaf." Others have have focused on the question as to whether we can trust Dubai. The most recent revalation is that Bush didn't even know about the transaction until it was (nearly) public. All of those things are noteworthly, but the heart of the matter is that Bush has betrayed the trust placed in him. He is richly deserving of the most intrusive scrutiny in this and all of his actions.